Introduction to Web :- iwritecode

Hii there everyone . I'm Aashish and today i wanna share somethings about web development which i learnt from ineuron by Hitesh sir.

Web Servers:-

A web server is computer software and underlying hardware that accepts requests via HTTPS Ex. Apache

Live servers :- these servers run on the local hosts. there are many type of live servers available in the market that providing live preview of the website to the developers.

HTML:- it stand for Hyper Text Markup Language. it consist of elements and tags that are using for structuring the web page.

HTML Tags:-

  1. h1:-This tag is knowns as heading tag . the contents in this tag are become heading of the html page.
  1. p

    This is paragraph tag which is used for writing paragraph in the html page. the main cool thing about this . when we pass a keyword in this it provide us a dummy text. according to the word that are declared by us. Ex.


    here's the keyword is lorem and it give us 24 dummy words itself. we don't need to write the whole paragraph.

3.img :-

Here's the image tag . sometime we need images to make our webpage beautiful and attractive. with the help of this tag we can easily add image in our web page. it also consist of attribute like src: This is used to define the particular location of the image . we can also copy the image address of any image on the internet and put as input in src.

It was my first class and i learnt all these things .I know that these things is very basic everyone know it but eventually i learnt whole things. stay tuned for further articles.